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About ME

Hey, I'm Jen! I graduated in May 2017 with a degree in computer science from Boston University. In the past, I taught engineering and computer science to rising high school girls as a program coordinator for the BU Artemis Project.

I started my SWE journey at Liberty Mutual Insurance right after graduation. While there, I dabbled with everything from infrastructure automation (specifically Chef) to converting a legacy codebase into a series of microservices.

After four years of that, I wanted to have more impact with my work, so I moved onto a smaller insurance company called Haven Technologies. My focus was on their disability insurance product, which is something more personal to me than auto insurance.

Currently I'm open to any new opportunities that may come my way (namely a departure from the insurance industry!), but I'm particularly intrigued with AI and the implications it has for the future.

When I'm not working, I enjoy cooking, crafting (namely knitting), photography, reading, and going to concerts. Also if you are ever need a strange niche YouTube video, I'm your gal!

What's on my mind?

Check out some of my thoughts
